Flying University Courses for Ukrainian Students
Flying University Courses for Ukrainian Students (FUUS) will assist students whose lives have been disrupted by the war. FUUS is supported by the Kosciuszko Foundation (New York and Warsaw).
Фонд Костюшко організовує курси для українських студентів у галузях гуманітарних та соціальних наук. Наш проєкт “Flying University Courses for Ukrainian Students (FUUS)” реалізований в рамках програми FREEDOM STARTS WITH YOUR MIND. Мета проєкту — підтримати українських студентів, які в умовах війни повністю або частково втратили можливість навчатися. Відомі викладачі провідних американських навчальних закладів будуть залучені до викладання на безкоштовних онлайн курсах англійською мовою.
The Kosciuszko Foundation is organizing academic courses for Ukrainian students in humanities and social sciences. Our new project “Flying University Courses for Ukrainian Students (FUUS)” is implemented under the FREEDOM STARTS WITH YOUR MIND program.
The aim of the project is to support Ukrainian students who are hindered or prevented from studying by the war in Ukraine. Online courses in English will be conducted pro bono by distinguished lecturers from the best American colleges and university departments. Through participation in the courses, undergraduate and graduate students can:
- deepen their knowledge on current and academically relevant topics;
- develop their skills, learn about other cultures and establish interesting relationships;
- increase their competence in the use of academic English.
The first round of courses will take place in June 2022. These will be online courses taught in English to undergraduate and graduate students in the humanities and social sciences. We will implement active working methods in groups of up to 12 students. Students will be required to engage in class activities, analyze readings, write a short essay, and participate in discussions. If the student meets the course requirements he/she will receive a certificate of participation.
You can apply only by electronic form.
Deadline of application: May 31, 2022
Committee of the Flying University for Ukrainian Students project: Grażyna Czetwertyńska, University of Warsaw, Department of Artes Liberales, President, The Kosciuszko Foundation Poland Izabela Kalinowska-Blackwood, State University of New York, Stony Brook, Department of English Andrzej W. Tymowski, American Council of Learned Societies, Senior Adviser to International Programs