How Does Erasmus+ Work. In the bacground happy young group of students.


How Does Erasmus + Work?

How Does Erasmus+ Work?

Is Erasmus+ a good way to travel abroad? How can you take advantage of it? We’ll answer these questions in this article!

Many of us dream of traveling abroad, experiencing new cultures, and making amazing connections. However, this can seem difficult due to financial and organizational challenges. How can you plan a trip to make the most of it without overspending? One good solution could be a foreign scholarship! On the Moje Stypendium portal, you can find a wide range of scholarships updated weekly. Check our monthly summaries on the portal!

Another great option is the Erasmus+ program. This is the focus of the ZaGranica project, a social initiative within Zwolnieni z Teorii. This exciting initiative showcases various development opportunities for young people, including university exchanges!

What is Erasmus+?

Erasmus+ is not just about studying for a semester or year at a foreign university. It also offers short-term projects, training courses, and even internships! In this article, we’ll focus on short-term youth exchanges. These are available to everyone, not just students. It’s relatively easy to find a project that matches your interests!

What Are the Requirements?

The main limitation is age. Although Erasmus+ regulations allow participation for those aged 13-30, organizers usually accept only participants aged 18+ for legal reasons. Exchanges for 13-year-olds are almost non-existent. More opportunities arise after turning 16, but they are rare and highly sought after. Once you turn 18, there are numerous projects available, making it hard to choose just one!

When applying for an exchange, experience in social projects or the project’s topic is important. Present yourself well and don’t underestimate your skills or experiences. All listed competencies can positively impact your application!

Typically, applying for a project involves filling out a Google Forms application. Besides basic information, you should briefly describe:

  • Skill
  • Experiences
  • Reason for applying – choose projects that match your interests and passions!

Before traveling, read our “Kierunek Świat” series. We discuss conditions and opportunities for studying abroad and foreign scholarships. We analyze not just the European Union but also countries like the United States and Australia. We recommend this series to anyone interested in studying abroad.

Where to Find Erasmus Opportunities?

Participants are usually recruited by non-governmental organizations from participating countries. You can find announcements on these organizations’ social media. An example is the association “Rozprawy o Europie,” which posts “Open calls” for trips. Many announcements are also found in Facebook groups like Youth Opportunities PL and Erasmus+ Youth Exchanges.

How to Verify an Organization?

Unfortunately, fake announcements sometimes appear. To avoid trouble, check if the organization has participated in other projects before. Fake organizations usually haven’t co-organized any Erasmus+ exchanges. Search the internet and social media for the organization’s name to see what it’s involved in. Note that there’s no fee to apply for Erasmus. If an organization expects any payment during recruitment, it’s a scam.

The best way is to check the organization on the Erasmus+ website ( Go to the “Projects” section, then “Search project results.” In the filters, select “Organisation” and enter the name of the organization. If the project appears, it’s formally registered. Use all these steps to enjoy an incredible trip and gain future competencies!

Trips within the Erasmus+ program are an amazing opportunity to explore Europe, practice languages, meet interesting people and their cultures, and gain new knowledge in a subject that interests you. Don’t be afraid to apply and embark on the adventure of a lifetime!

Article by teams ZaGranica and Moje Stypendium

Translation by My Scholarship

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