Scholarships for doctoral students and researchers
If you are a doctoral student or a researcher planning a stay in Poland – this article is for you!
In this short guide we present several comprehensive scholarships programmes for study tours (secondments or internships) to Poland. The following list covers both young, promising researchers and experienced, excellent researchers from different fields.
POLONISTA – scholarship and fellowship programme
The program is addressed to students of Polish philology, Polish studies or Polish programs implemented among others as part of Slavic studies (in the field of Polish language, Polish culture and knowledge about Poland) as well as to scientists from foreign universities and scientific institutions.
During the stay at a Polish university, NAWA Scholarship Holders may develop their interest in Polish matters by participating in lectures and classes in accordance with the program of selected studies, conducting research, carrying out scientific projects, collecting materials for their thesis or scientific work, improving the command of Polish language as well as using resources of libraries, universities and archives.
Source: nawa.gov.pl/en/the-polish-language/programme-for-students-of-polish-studies
Scholarships for researchers from Belarus
The Tadeusz Manteuffel Institute of History Polish Academy of Sciences (PAN) and the German Historical Institute Warsaw organise annually a recruitment into research grant programmes in Poland. Scholarships are intended for researchers from Belarus who are not able to work in their profession and country. Their stay in Warsaw is meant to enable them to prepare applications for science competitions in longer research projects financed by research institutions in Poland and other countries.
Official website: ihpan.edu.pl/stypendia-dla-naukowcow-z-bialorusi
Solidarity with Belarus – researchers
The programme “Solidarity with Belarus – Solidarity with Scientists” has been implemented recently: nawa.gov.pl/solidarni-z-bialorusia/edycja-2021/informacje-dla-naukowcow/ogloszenie
The objective of the programme is to enable scientists from Belarusian universities and scientific institutions, who hold at least a PhD degree, to visit Polish higher education and scientific institutions, where they will carry out research projects or teach.
The programme is an expression of solidarity with the Belarusian academic community and aims to support repressed scientists from Belarus by enabling them to freely carry out research projects and teach in academic and scientific units in Poland. The programme shall also increase the level of internationalisation of Polish universities and scientific institutions.
Information from: nawa.gov.pl/solidarni-z-bialorusia
Constitution of 3 May Scholarship
The scholarship is dedicated for researchers, who conduct research on Polish-Ukrainian relations. Scholarships are awarded in the field of history, but also in the field of political science, law, literary criticism, art history, ethnography, sociology and cultural anthropology.
The organiser of the scholarship competition is the Freedom and Democracy Foundation.
Primary source: wid.org.pl/stypendium
Ad Polonos Fund for doctoral students at the Jagiellonian University – Collegium Medicum
For scholarship from the Fund for scientific achievements may apply students of doctoral studies at the Collegium Medicum of Jagiellonian University, who meet all the following conditions:
- have completed their first doctoral year in the academic year preceding the academic year for which the scholarship shall be awarded,
- in the academic year preceding the academic year for which the scholarship shall be awarded, have met all the conditions specified in the doctoral programme regulations, the doctoral curriculum and programme required to complete the year of studies and are entered for the programme of the following academic year,
- are able to demonstrate documented scientific activity referred to in § 8 section 3 point 2 letter a of the Fund regulations in the academic year preceding the grant of the scholarship (i.a. participation in scientific conferences, scientific publications, participation in scientific projects),
- have a valid Pole’s Card or who have been the subject of a decision declaring their Polish origin,
- are citizens of Armenia, Belarus, Georgia, Kazakhstan, Lithuania, Russia or Ukraine.
Official site: stypendia.uj.edu.pl/en_GB/wlasne-fundusze/ad-polonos
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