International Scholarships for People from Ukraine – November 2023
Almost 2 years have passed since Russia invaded Ukraine, and the war is unfortunately still ongoing. As part of the effort to help people fleeing Ukraine, various non-profit organisations, universities and local governments decided to open emergency funds and scholarship programs dedicated to this group. There were plenty of programs, especially at the beginning of the conflict. Now there are fewer of them, but there are still universities, foundations and institutes providing support to people from Ukraine.
If you are looking for scholarships currently available for people from Ukraine in Poland, check out our article Grants for people from Ukraine – support in 2023 (also available in Ukrainian and Polish). Here you will find international scholarships and grants available for people from Ukraine in 2023.
Artykuł dostępny jest także w języku polskim.
This article, as well as our websites en.mojestypendium.pl (in English) and mojestypendium.pl (in Polish) will be regularly updated.
Where to look for scholarships? Useful resources
In this article we have managed to compile only a part of currently available programmes. Below you’ll find a list of other websites which collect information on support programmes and resources for students, scholars, researchers and artists from Ukraine:
- #ScienceForUkraine | scienceforukraine.eu
#ScienceForUkraine is a community group of volunteer researchers and students from academic institutions in Europe and around the world. Their mission is to support the Ukrainian academic community in surviving the Russia’s war and to help ensure the continuity of Ukraine’s science and strengthen its presence in the international science arena. On this website you will find a wide range of paid academic positions for scientists (PhD student or above), academic transfer opportunities for graduate and undergraduate students, as well as temporary housing.
- List of laboratories that can host Ukrainian scientists | bit.ly/ua-table
The global community has created a continuously updated list of laboratories that can host Ukrainian scientists at all career levels. This effort has been pioneered by Andrew Kern at the University of Oregon. The form is maintained by Björn Grüning (University of Freiburg) and Anton Nekrutenko (Penn State University).\ - Science in Exile | scienceinexile.org/other-resources
A list of resources, opportunities, organizations and programmes for at-risk, displaced and refugee scientists. - Solidarity list – European Molecular Biology Organization (EMBO) | embo.org/solidarity-with-ukraine
A list of life scientists across Europe and beyond offering to host Ukrainian researchers in their labs. - Information for people from Ukraine interested in studying in Germany| https://www.daad-ukraine.org/en/studying-in-germany/welcome-to-digital-campus/
Current scholarships, grants and courses in Europe:
University of Helsinki – Free university courses for Ukrainian citizens
The University of Helsinki offers open courses to people from Ukraine in fields as diverse as art, theology, economics, computer science and many others. The courses are available to everyone.
If you are a citizen of Ukraine, this is how you can enroll in open university studies:
- Browse the course catalogue of open university.
- Send an e-mail to avoin-yleinen@helsinki.fi and tell which course you would like to participate.
- You will receive an email with further instructions.
- After the enrollment, please browse the Instructions for students (open university)
The processing time for emails is three business days. The courses will be filled in the order of the enrollment, and places cannot be reserved over email. Study fees that have already been paid will not be refunded.
Please note, that some of the open university courses are organized at partner institutions. The study fee of these courses consists of a fee for the open university and a fee for the partner institution. In such cases, the open university fee will not be required from a student who is a citizen of Ukraine, but the partner institution may charge its fee according to its normal payment practices.
Deadline for submitting applications: continuous recruitment
More here:
University of Tübingen – DAAD scholarships for students and PhD students
Tuition fees for Students from Ukraine, who have a residence permit according to § 24 Residence Act (Aufenthaltsgesetz), can be waived. Additionally, the university offers DAAD scholarships for students and PhD students:
Target group:
Persons who were forced to flee from Ukraine due to the war, or who have already been in Germany and experience financial difficulties caused by the war in Ukraine.
Scholarship rates:
Students: min. 250 – max. 934 Euro/month.
Doctoral candidates: min. 250 – max. 1,200 Euros/month.
Funding period:
From now until 31.12.2023
More here: uni-tuebingen.de/
Chevening scholarships for Master’s degree programmes in the United Kingdom
Chevening is the UK government’s international scholarships programme. Funded by the Foreign, Commonwealth and Development Office and partner organisations, we offer awards to study in the UK for one year on a fully funded master’s degree course.
To be eligible for a Chevening Scholarship you must:
- Be a citizen of a Chevening-eligible country or territory (including Ukraine).
- Return to your country of citizenship for a minimum of two years after your award has ended.
- Have completed all components of an undergraduate degree that will enable you to gain entry onto a postgraduate programme at a UK university by the time you submit your application.
- Have at least two years (equivalent to 2,800 hours) of work experience.
- Apply to three different eligible UK university courses and have received an unconditional offer from one of these choices by 14 July 2022.
You are not eligible for a Chevening Scholarship if you hold refugee status in a non-Chevening eligible country. Applicants who are citizens of a Chevening-eligible country and who hold refugee status in a Chevening-eligible country are eligible for a scholarship.
There are many benefits to being selected, including fully funded tuition fees, access to some of the best quality education in the world, exclusive networking opportunities, and the chance to explore the UK’s diverse culture.
Applications for close on 7 November 2023.
More information: www.chevening.org
Open Society Archives – Visegrad Scholarship
The twenty grants of 2.700 euro each are designed to provide access to the archives for scholars, artists, and journalists, and to cover travel to and from Budapest, a modest subsistence, and accommodation for a research period of eight weeks. Stipends for shorter periods are pro-rated. The theme of this year’s edition is Lessons from the Cold War.
Applicants, preferably but not exclusively, from a V4 country, may be researchers, students after their second degree carrying out research, or artists, journalists, academics, or both.
Scholars at risk from war zones as well as refugees of conscience (scholars fleeing authoritarian regimes) are especially invited to apply.
Submission deadline: 15th November 2023
More information: www.osaarchivum.org
Artists at Risk
ARTISTS at RISK (AR) is a non-profit organization at the intersection of human rights and the arts. Since 2013 AR has been collaborating with arts non-profits and government funders to assist artists who are at risk politically and fleeing oppression and war in 26 locations in 19 countries globally.
Further information and application forms can be found here.
More information: artistsatrisk.org
Programs from Europe whose application deadline has ended but have been extended for next year
Academy of Finland – invitation of scientists from Ukraine
The aim of this program is to support scientists who cannot work in Ukraine due to the consequences of the Russian attack in 2022. The funding covers the costs of the researcher’s mobility (necessary travel and living costs) to conduct research in Finland. Funding for actual research work must be obtained from other sources.
Conditions for awarding the scholarship:
- the applicant is a scientist from Finland;
- requests that a scientist from Ukraine be invited to Finland; the invitee may still be in Ukraine or may have fled Ukraine due to the Russian invasion;
- financing covers stays lasting no longer than 24 months;
- approximate amount of the scholarship: €43,500/year for an individual scientist, €57,000/year for a scientist with a family.
Program financing period: January 1, 2024–December 31, 2026
More information: www.aka.fi
The Foundation for Polish-German Cooperation – competition “Bridges of the future. Poland and Germany for Ukraine”
The competition is addressed to Polish and German civil society institutions that, together with a Ukrainian partner organization and/or Ukrainian citizens (in exile), will implement a project to support Ukraine.
Information about the extension of the program: fwpn.org.pl
More information: fwpn.org.pl/aktualnosci/mosty-przyszlosci
Scholarships and grants outside of Europe
CIUS – Research Grant for the Study of Indigenous-Ukrainian Relations in Canada
n 2021, in recognition of Canada’s newly introduced National Day for Truth and Reconciliation, the Canadian Institute of Ukrainian Studies (CIUS) made available the Stasiuk Award for the Study of Indigenous-Ukrainian Relations in Canada.
The institute is pleased to announce its continued commitment to advancing the study of Indigenous-Ukrainian relations by offering in 2024-2025 the CIUS Research Grant for the Study of Indigenous-Ukrainian Relations in Canada.
University-affiliated as well as community-based researchers and research teams across Canada who examine Indigenous-Ukrainian relations in Canada are eligible to apply.
You can read about previous recipients’ work here.
Value: Up to C$8,000.00
Deadline: 19 January 2024
If you have heard about any other scholarships, fellowships, support programs for refugees or useful websites – contact us and we will surely add them to the list.